
Nottingham is a simple game. You start with nothing and have to collect golden goblets to progress to next level. To spice things up, there will be lava, spikes and ghosts on your merry way. Sometimes, doors will be on your way to the goblet and keys will need to be found. Keys can open doors with same color as the key.

To play, use WASD or arrows to move and mouse to look around.

This is an entry for Ludum Dare 45 Jam, made by my brother (art) and me (programming). It was made in Unity.

Download links are available on Ludum Dare page. You can also play it on


Made by my brother.


Something shiny at the end of the tunnel?
Something shiny at the end of the tunnel?
Beware of ghosts!
Beware of ghosts!
Keys? Locks? Doors!?
Keys? Locks? Doors!?

For more, visit my Github profile.

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